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Download and listen to over 300 talks by the great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Inspirational teachings that will feed your soul and lift your spirit!

Bishop Fulton Sheen

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Bishop Sheen and Pope John Paul II hugging
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Fulton John Sheen (born Peter John Sheen, May 8, 1895 – December 9, 1979) was an American archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on radio and television. In the 1950s, his television show called "Life Is Worth Living" made him a household name.

Now you can download and listen to 300 talks of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who was a master communicator with an unforgettable voice and ability to communicate the message of Christianity to all peoples.  He was a Catholic priest with a tremendous knowledge of Catholic Theology, as well as all Christian denominations and world religions.

For Catholics, Bishop Sheen is a saint of modern times. His cause for canonization for sainthood was officially opened in 2002. In June 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially recognized a decree from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints stating that he lived a life of "heroic virtues" – a major step towards beatification, which will take place in October, 2019. Though not yet canonized, he is considered one of the most important Catholics that God has put on this earth in the 20th Century.

Sample Playlist

Complete List of Talks in the Fulton Sheen Audio Library

THE SHEEN CATECHISM - 50 Lessons in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith

Lesson 1 - Philosophy of Life
Lesson 2 - Conscience
Lesson 3 - God in Search of Man
Lesson 4 - Human Freedom
Lesson 5 - Good and Evil
Lesson 6 - Christ Foretold
Lesson 7 - Miracles
Lesson 8 - New Testament Revelation
Lesson 9 - Divinity of Christ
Lesson 10 - Humanity of Christ
Lesson 11 - The Blessed Trinity
Lesson 12 - The Mother of Jesus
Lesson 13 - Christ in the Creed, Birth
Lesson 14 - Suffering, Death, Resurrection
Lesson 15 - Ascension
Lesson 16 - Holy Spirit
Lesson 17 - Church, Body of Christ

Lesson 18 - Peter, Vicar of Christ
Lesson 19 - Authority and Infallibility
Lesson 20 - Communism and the Church
Lesson 21 - Original Sin and Angels
Lesson 22 - Original Sin and Mankind
Lesson 23 - Effects of Original Sin
Lesson 24 - Sanctifying Grace
Lesson 25 - Sacraments
Lesson 26 - Baptism
Lesson 27 - Confirmation
Lesson 28 - Holy Eucharist As Sacrament
Lesson 29 - Holy Eucharist As Sacrifice
Lesson 30 - The Mass
Lesson 31 - Sin
Lesson 32 - Sin and Penance
Lesson 33 - Penance
Lesson 34 - Sacrament of the Sick

Lesson 35 - Holy Orders
Lesson 36 - Marriage
Lesson 37 - Marriage-Sacrament
Lesson 38 - Sex Is A Mystery
Lesson 39 - Birth Prevention
Lesson 40 - Marriage Problems
Lesson 41 - Commandments - Part 1
Lesson 42 - Commandments - Part 2
Lesson 43 - Law of Love -Total Commitment
Lesson 44 - Death and Judgement
Lesson 45 - Purgatory
Lesson 46 - Heaven
Lesson 47 - Hell
Lesson 48 - Mother of Jesus
Lesson 49 - Prayer
Lesson 50 - World, Soul and Things

MEDITATIONS ON THE PASSION OF CHRIST - The famous Good Friday and 7 Last Words sermons of Bishop Sheen

Good Friday Sermons
1977 - Part 1
1977 - Part 2

7 Last Words from the Cross
1st Word - Am I Sick or a Sinner?
2nd Word - How Do I Take Pain?
3rd Word - Do I Need the Feminine in Religion?
4th Word - Did Christ Think of Atheists?
5th Word - Do I Need a Love Beyond Love?
6th Word - Should I Come Down from the Cross?
7th Word - Do I Have Any Scars?

Passion Week
Palm Sunday, Desecration of the Temple
Last Supper and the Agony
Christ Before the Courts
Death March To Jerusalem, Mary Magdalene and Judas

PRAYER, SUFFERING AND THE SPIRITUAL LIFE - learn why God allows suffering and how to pray

Fools for Christ's Sake
Foundation of Sanctity
How God Has Reconciled Us To Himself
How To Improve Our Spiritual Life
Human Love
Kenosis 1
Kenosis 2
Old Pots
Our Cross
Our Father
Personal Prayer

Pots of Earthware
Prayer and Meditation
Skolops - Thorns In The Flesh
The Choice - Our Father
The Continuing Incarnation
The Continuing Passion of Christ
The Continuing Resurrection
The Continuous Holy Hour
The Meaning of the Crucifixion
The Holy Hour
The Meaning of Suffering

The Resurrection
The Rosary
Three Kinds Of Love
Three Words For Love
Treasures and Pots
Trusting in God
Understanding the Trials of This World
Wasted Lives-Their Necessity
Wasting Your Life
What Has Happened To Our Spiritual Lives

VARIOUS TOPICS -  from the Life of Christ to the Purpose of this World, Archbishop Sheen has the answers

Action and Contemplation
Activism and Intense Spirituality
Authority and Infallibility
Betrayal and Forgiveness
Choice - Our Alternatives
Choosing God as Father
Christ the King
Christ-the Priest Victim
Christ, Center of The World
Christian Humor
Christian Love of Neighbor
Collective Life or Collective Death
Communism and Russia
Compassion for Human Life
Confession Talk To Children
Culture of Death - The Approach of Midnight
Cure for Selfishness
Do We Need Confession
Does Capitalism Still Exist
Fears and Anxieties
Freedom and License
Happiness Is A Rainbow
How To Be Unpopular
How To Improve Your Mind
How To Talk
Human Emotions and Passions
Inferiority Complex
Is Self Expression Always Right

Lesson In Economics and Faith
Mary and The Mass
Meet A Perfect Stranger, Yourself
Misplaced Infinite
Morticians of God
My Four Writers
Nice People, Awful People
Our Holy Mother, The Church
Parables of the Lost
Pax Sovietica
Psychology of the Rat Race
Psychotic and Neurotic Spirituality
Satan and Evil
Sexual Degeneration
Simon Peter
Sin and Guilt
Sin Is In The Blood
Social Problems
Something Higher
The 30th Parallel
The Humor of Archbishop Sheen
The Church
The Daily Holy Hour
The Demonic Today
The Devil
The Fall and Resurrection of Peter
The Forgiveness of Sin
The Glory of the Soldier
The Greatest Trial In History
The Holy Ghost
The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit - Our Unifying Principle
The Infinity Of Littleness
The Meaning of Love, The Meaning of Christmas
The Meaning of the Mass
The Need To Think and Reason
The Nemesis of Mediocrity
The Philosophy Of Communism
The Pre-Christian World
The Precious Blood
The Problem with the Church Today
The Psychology Of The Irish
The Role of Communism and America
The Story of Fatima
The Truth About Sin
The United Nations
The Woman I Love 1
The Woman I Love 2
The Woman In Sin
The World In Which We Live
Theology Of The Holy Spirit
Three Degrees Of Intimacy
Three Times In A Nation's History
To American Soldiers - Centurions of Rome
Tribute To Pope Paul VI
War As Judgement Of God
What Did I Do To Deserve This
What Holds Us Together
What It Means To Be A Woman
Who Am I, The Stranger Within
Why Work Is So Boring
Woman At The Well
Women as Objects, not Persons

THE SPIRITUALITY OF ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX - Taking you deep inside the interior life of the Little Flower

Our Call to Holiness
The Path to Holiness and God
Love's Delays
The Mystery of Death
Mystery of Suffering

Her Little Way
Her Gift of Self to God
The Diabolic
Her Imitation of Chris
The Virtue of Humility

LOVE, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN - which helped him write the book "Three To Get Married"

Christian Marriage - An Overview
Marriage - As A Sacrament
Sex Is A Mystery
Birth Prevention
Marriage Problems
For Better or Worse
The Importance of Personal Prayer
The Value of Incompatibility
Tensions in Marriage
How Men and Women Love Differently
Husband and Wife as Symbol of Christ and His Church
How Husband and Wife are Sacrament and Sacrifice

Human Love
Three Kinds Of Love
What Love Is
Three Words For Love
Women as Objects, not Persons
How Mothers Are Made
Children - Burdens or Joy
Children - Character Building
Should Parents Obey Their Children
To Spank or Not To Spank
Juvenile Delinquency
Love and Sex - Talk to Young People

WHAT A PRIEST SHOULD BE - Famous priest retreats of Bishop Sheen with value to everyone

Why God Chose You
Understanding What It Means To Be A Priest
Serving Society
The Holy Hour and Fighting Evil
Christ's Words from the Cross - Part 1
Christ's Words from the Cross - Part 2
Preparing for Holy Mass
The True Power of God in the Life of a Priest
Reflecting Christ In Society
Counseling and Preaching
Our Holy Mother, The Church
Becoming the Priest We Are Called To Be
First the Spiritual, Then Take Action
The Priest, The Holy Hour and the Heart of Christ
Acting In Persona Christi
Ambassadors of Christ

Becoming a Different Man
Changes in Spirituality
The Eucharist, Christ Present for Us
Christ, the Priest and Victim
Getting to the People  
My Role in Reconciliation
Priest Victim in the Mass
Representative Character of the Priest
Restoring the Vineyard
The Church Today
The Daily Holy Hour
The Enduring Freshness of the Wounds of Christ
The Lord Asks For One Hour
Triple Transference of Christ

THE DUBLIN RETREAT - a famous priest retreat with insights for everyone

Men Called By God
What it Means To Be A Priest
Imitating Christ_s Obedience
Undoing The Devil's Work
Being Ambassadors In Society
Watching One Hour With Him

Meditating On The Crucifixion
The Suffering Mother Of The Church
Offering The Sacrifice Of The Mass
Carrying The Trinity in Our Lives
Casting The Shadow Of Christ

Counseling and Preaching The Gospel
Loving Our Mother The Church
Receiving The Gift Of Celibacy
Driving Out Devils
Piercing The Two Hearts

A RETREAT FOR EVERYONE - An incredible meditation that will awaken and deepen your faith

Misunderstanding the World
Jesus, the Eternal Priest
The Drama of the Mass
Memorial of the Cross 
The Denial of Sin

Triple Transference
Persevering Prayer
The Incarnation
The Passion of Christ Continues
The Power of the Resurrection

The Betrayal of Judas
The Power of the Devil in the World Today
Mary, Mother and Spouse
The Hour of Testing
The Fall and Conversion of Peter

RADIO ADDRESSES  -1940s during WWII - Narrated from Sheen Radio Transcripts 

Are You Happy?
How You Got That Way
How You Are Re-Made

The Hell There Is
Confidence in Victory

This entire collection of over 300 talks for only $39!

Remastered from Original Recordings

These talks were recorded between 1930 and 1979 on vinyl disk, cassette tape,
and with equipment well below today's standards.
We have lovingly preserved the voice of this master preacher of Jesus Christ.
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This is not a CD product. Image is used only to depict that it is an audio project.

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All audio files presented on this website are made available with full permission. The "Life Is Worth Living" series MP3 files are licensed from the rights holders who bring you the "Life Is Worth Living" series on Video/DVD located at www.bishopsheen.com